Monday, October 23, 2017

Life Updates

 For those of you still listening, it has been quite a while.  Seasons of life have faded in and out of my life like the never ending tide of the ocean crashing upon the shore.  Welcome back.  I say that not only to you, but myself as well.  I think I will enjoy blogging once again.  It was always a favorite past time of mine.  Now, everything is even more virtual than it was 5 years ago.  Maybe this will be my online diary.  Maybe the 5 year lull of no new blog posts will lead to confusion for those following, or maybe it will be the start of something new and exciting.  In all honesty, I stumbled back upon this blog while creating an application for Walk In Love's social influencer application.  Maybe I will get cool gear and be able to promote it on here!  You never know.  Life is full of surprises, just like rediscovering this blog. ;)

 These pics were taken while we were in California for my cousins wedding!

 This picture below is of my sister and I in NYC with family friends, the Sackett's

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