Thursday, September 2, 2010

Homemade ice cream...YUM!

Go to the bottom and read up.
YUM!!!! Enjoy your ice cream!!!!

After 5 minutes, take out the bag.

...and then SHAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Make sure you shake for at least 5 minutes. This doesn't seem like a long time, but when your shaking a bag of melting seems like FOREVER! But keep shaking, otherwise it doesn't work.

(Watch the video at the very bottom)

Add the SEALED small bag...

Next, fill a GALLON Ziploc bag half full with ice. Then put 2 cups coarse salt in it.

Take a small Ziploc and put 1 cup of the mixture in it. Do this for 4 bags.

(everyone had to whisk it...)...yes, everyone.

Put them in the bowl and whisk all of the ingredients together.

Add half a cup of sugar and 2 teaspoons vanilla.

Pour them both into a large bowl...

and two cups half and half.

Take two cups whipping cream...

Heavy Whipping cream. So fattening, but so good...

This was a very tasty treat, and also very messy. Make sure you do the "shaking" outside!

Here is the video! (turn OFF my music)

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